Friday, May 20, 2016


Hello! hello!

It's been a while since I've been able to blog. So many things happened so fast.

I just want to share with you all, this DIY shadow box that I made for my mother. This was supposed to be my mother's gift to her when I get home but she wasn't able to hold and touch it because when I got home she was already in a coma. But she was able to see it only in the picture. She fought cancer for more than two years and fought really hard to live, but cancer just suck. F@$k cancer! It's very hard to lose a loved one, it's just won't be the same without her. Every moments in my life, she's just there. Though when we are far from each other, living on the other side of the world, she's just always there whenever or whatever and always there to listen and to give advice or opinion. And I think the pain in my heart will be there forever for I will miss her forever...

Going back on my shadow box, I made this from scratch. I want it to be pure handmade so I didn't buy any pre-made box or frame. I used illustration board to make the box.

First, I made a pattern or a prototype on a 12x12 piece of cardstock. Starting from the center, I made a 5x3 frame and the rest of the frame follows.

I traced the pattern on the illustration board and just used a ruler and a cutter. This was very difficult to cut because it's a bit thick but I have patience for that so it's not a problem for me. I made three of this that will give me enough dimension and one that is a whole 12x12 piece.

I used paint brush to apply mod podge to these pieces to piece it together. Right after, I used bulldog clips and clipped it together to have a good stick.

Then I used sandpaper to even out the excess parts that are peeking through the frames. After that, I started applying paint. I used an acrylic paint and painted it three times.

After it was completely dry, I started applying a varnish to have a glossy finish. The varnish I used is really meant for paper. Voila! Not bad huh? hehehe...

And then I started decorating and putting pictures. I used Simple Stories Legacy Collection Kit. I used some stickers and give some elements some dimensions. I also made a family tree with our names on it on one of the frames.

The one frame with no picture is for my brother's wedding picture that I'm not able to print upto now. He just got married last tuesday, May 17. lol! That's how busy I am, haha!

So there, that's my Family Memories Shadow Box! I hope you all like it and I hope you got inspired to make yours too. This is very fun to make!

You can watch the videos for this, one where I talked about the details that I made on this box and the other video is the process on how I made this. Watch it here:

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below! And don't forget to follow me!

Thank you for stopping by!

And as I always say, after all has been said and done, all we have are memories! So CREATE, CREATE, CREATE and put it on a SCRAPBOOK page! --scrappy mommy ;)